
SORA INITIAL CLASS- (Security officer registration act)

Initial - Registration w State and Class $250.00

Initial - Class only & Register Yourself $100.00 (Provide Applicant ID#)

The Security Officer Registration Act was passed in 2007 and mandated standardized training for all contract

security positions in the state of New Jersey. SORA training is a three step process that must be completed within

a 30 day period. The three step process includes registration with the New Jersey State Police, completing 24 hours of instruction with a certified instructor, and fingerprinting.

Sora renewal class

Renewal – Register w State and Class $150.00

Renewal – Class only & Register Yourself $70.00 (Provide Applicant ID#)

An 8 hour refresher course. A renewal can be done up to 90 days prior to expiration. If it is not renewed and expires then must start whole process again.


***These 3 classes can range between $100.00 – $175.00 Each***


Gun Permit Applications & RPO (Retired Police Officers)

New Customer $150.00

Returning Customer $125.00

The techniques presented are practical and effective. Topics to be covered include the safest

approach and positioning for handcuffing, handcuffing non-compliant subjects, prone and kneeling handcuffing,

removing handcuffs, and the use of various type of cuffs, among others. Benefits include: Reduced injury to

officers and subjects. Reduced exposure to civil liability. Reduced workers’ compensation payments. Increased

performance, efficiency and speed when applying handcuffs. Increased confidence and morale. Increased safety.

Improved decision making.

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